Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thing 8: Real Simple

I already subscribe to 36 feeds on my Google Reader (22 of which are library or literature-related), so I wasn't sure I'd be able to find three more I'd be interested in. I should've known better...

First up: Dinosaur Comics

The near-daily adventures of T-Rex, Utahraptor, and Dromiceiomimus. The dialog changes, but the pictures remain the same. And it's always hilarious. I have no idea why this wasn't already in the feed...

Next: Life Tips Vegetarian Tip of the Day

Last: The Huffington Post and Tree Hugger, both recommended on that Time magazine list of blogs.

I told you I should've known it wouldn't be a problem to find three.

I don't have much to say about the last three since I've just subscribed to them, but they seem interesting. We'll see how long they last!

1 comment:

kam said...

Thanks for the Dinosaur Comics link! And I'm always on the prowl for new vegetarian recipes/up with veggies blogs...
Happy Thanksgiving!