Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thing 9: Feed Me, Seymour

I was going to share my top three Google Reader feeds in this post, but it was just too hard to choose so few from so many! So, here are my ten favorite feeds (in no particular order). Check 'em out and enjoy!

1. Cute Overload Pictures and videos of animals doing what they do best: being adorable!
2. xkcd The subtitle says it all: "A Webcomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math, and Language." A total must for geeks (like me).
3. The Superest "Who is the superest hero of them all?" Only time will tell...
4. Unshelved Do you work in a library? Enjoy webcomics? Check out the daily adventures of Dewey and the rest of the folks at Mallville Public Library. You'll be glad you did.
5. A List of Things Thrown Five Minutes Ago I discovered this pop culture blog years ago when I saw a post on a message board that said Grey's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes would be guest-live-blogging the National Spelling Bee there. At the time, I was a fan of the show and I've always been a fan of the Spelling Bee.
6. Smart B****es, Trashy Books The Smart B****es love romance novels and they aren't ashamed to say so, but they're also not afraid to bust out the snark when necessary. Love it.
7. 025.431: The Dewey Blog You thought my love of xkcd, spelling, and romance novels was geeky? This blog breaks down the construction of Dewey Decimal numbers. Yep, I was in the marching band, too.
8. A Librarian's Guide to Etiquette It's snarky, but I love it.
9. The Misadventures of Super Librarian Meet Wendy, librarian and romance reader. I want to be her when I grow up.
10. USA Today's Pop Candy Another Wendy! This one covers all things pop culture, even mustaches. Especially mustaches.

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