Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thing 11: Facebook

Here are the links to my profile and note, per the instructions for the "discovery exercise." Hopefully, you won't actually be able to see anything since I have my privacy settings set to allow only my "friends" to see any of my info.

My note.
My profile.

I have yet to utilize Facebook to represent my library, but that's not to say I haven't utilized it professionally. I am a member of the following library/school-related groups: University of Texas iSchool; American Library Association Student Chapters; Librarians and Facebook; Libraries and Librarians; and American Library Association Members. Admittedly, I don't utilized Facebook to the extent I could and I don't check up on these groups too often, but I do get useful notifications from ALA from time to time.


kam said...

Are you on LinkedIn? I haven't gotten around to it yet, but maybe in the new year...

Becca said...

I'm not. How is it different from/similar to Facebook?