Monday, February 9, 2009

Google Reader vs. Bloglines

  • I notice that Bloglines has a "notifier" option that allows you to choose among several means of notification that there are new posts for you to read. I poked around and I don't think Google Reader has any "notifier" function, much less several means to choose from (on Bloglines these include a Firefox add-on and a cell-phone notification).
  • I notice that both have pre-selected recommended subscriptions to help you get started.
  • Bloglines "clip blog," where you are able to post a clip from one of your feeds and comment on it caught my attention so I poked around a little on Google Reader and not only do they have the option of sharing posts with friends (though I think these friends must also be on Google) but they also allow you to post a clip to your blog. I'm going to start taking advantage of that!
  • As with any Google product, I like the Google Reader links to all of my other Google tools.
  • I was actually coming around to Bloglines and thinking to myself "wow, I might prefer something to a Google product" when I clicked on my SCILS folder and that automatically marked every post by every student as read. I couldn't figure out how to mark them as unread and once I clicked out of that screen I could not figure out how to go back and read old posts. That's easy to do with just one click on Google Reader. Now, I'm going to have to go to each student's blog individually to catch up on those posts and know that in the future I can click on just one feed at a time. Annoying.

1 comment:

Dan Hooker said...

As for sharing posts on Google Reader, if your friends are on Google already, they can see a list of what you share in their Reader which is nice and convenient.

But, Google Reader does generate a public page so people not on Google can still see the items that you share, not unlike the Bloglines clip blog.

So, no fear, you don't have to switch.