Saturday, April 25, 2009

To Wii, or Not to Wii

(Sorry about the title, I just couldn't help myself!)

I work in a medium-sized public library (though definitely on the smaller end of that range). We were fortunate to win a Wii for our library at a CTLS event, but if we were planning to purchase a video game console my selection criteria would include: price, ease of use and set-up, availability and price of games and accessories, and user interest.

Researching the first three would be pretty easy. There are several Web sites I could use for price comparisons and video game reviews, some of which were cited on the SCILS 598 wiki. There are several methods I might use to determine which console would be most desirable to our patrons. First and foremost would be asking the users through surveys available in the library, on the Web site, and in local electronics stores and other places where gamers might be likely to see them. Another method would be to ask local electronics stores and rental stores like Blockbuster which games and consoles are most popular with their customers.

My choice would be the Wii and for my reasons, look no further than the Library Garden post on gaming consoles. It's the best bang for the buck, essentially.

And, you can play Rock Band and Guitar Hero on it.

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