Friday, December 12, 2008

Thing 12: Get your game on!

I'm going to go ahead and take this opportunity to brag about my skill at my favorite "simple" game: free cell. Seriously, I have an irrational love of that game and an irrational drive to win at it. My win percentage on my old computer was something like 96%.

See, what I'm really setting you up for here, with the bragging, is the embarrassing reveal that despite having a bachelor's degree in English, I kind of stunk at the Free Rice English vocab quiz. I enjoy the Free Rice site 'cause it's kind of fun to feel like you're helping a good cause while you goof off and, hey, you also just might learn something. But, I was hopelessly bad at it. I switched to world geography and kind of stunk at that, too. Yikes.

I guess while I'm making confessions, I should also mention that the high win percentage came while I was an undergrad and free cell was my number 1 way of avoiding paper-writing. These days I play a lot less of these types of online games, for basically the same reason I chat less: I'm just no longer tethered to my computer the way I was then.

Since I haven't really linked libraries and gaming in this post, I will at least tell you all the story of how it's all CTLS' fault that my fiance and I bought each other a Wii for Christmas before I was finished with my semester. Oops! At the same technology conference in Georgetown that kicked off this 23 Things thing, there were Wiis set up for Rock Band and Mario Kart. I had never ever played a Wii, despite having had several opportunities, but for some reason I tried Mario Kart that day and was hooked. Now I'm kind of hooked on Wii bowling. :-P

1 comment:

kam said...

So Christmas came early with your Wii -- why not prolong the season?
I like Free Rice, but some of the words I'm just intuiting. Sometimes the force is strong within me, other times it's a washout. I like the concept of helping someone out while challenging my intuition, though.